The Mercer County Regional Planning Commission (MCRPC) has been supporting our community since 1952. We manage programs like the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and we oversee the Shenango Valley Area Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization (SVATS MPO), which provides transportation services across Mercer County. We work with various transportation agencies, including the Shenango Valley Shuttle Service (SVSS), PennDOT, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and others.
We also offer Subdivision and Land Development services, helping people build, combine, or divide properties, and answer questions about zoning and municipal regulations in Mercer County.
If you need help with housing issues such as rehabilitation, eviction, or unsafe conditions (like lead paint or heating problems), contact us for assistance. We also address concerns about dangerous intersections and transportation issues in the community. We are committed to assisting anyone facing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, or other factors related to housing or transportation.
Our meetings are open to the public and include:
- Zoning & Subdivision Committee: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM (except December, when it’s the 2nd Tuesday)
- Finance & Personnel Committee: 6:00 PM before Full MCRPC Commission Meetings
- Full MCRPC Commission: 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM (no meetings in June, July, or August)
- SVATS MPO Coordinating Committee: March 11, June 10, September 9, December 9 at 10:30 AM
Visit our website for updates on public meetings and more information.
We are here to serve the community, and we encourage you to share any concerns or feedback.
2491 Highland Road
Hermitage, PA 16148
Office Phone: 724-981-2412
Office is open weekdays from 8-4 or by appointment.
Doniele Russell
Executive Director
General Inquiries & Employment Interests
Ext. 3202
Chris Conti
Senior Planner
Community Development & Transportation Inquiries
Ext. 3204
Lisa Holm
Senior Planner
Subdivisions & Land Developments/General Zoning Inquiries
Ext. 3208
Erin Kepple Adams
Senior Planner
Community Development, Transportation, Land Developments & Special Programs
Ext. 3207
Elizabeth “Liz” Peluchette
GIS Planner
Subdivisions & Land Developments/General Zoning Inquiries
Ext. 3206