Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, Hermitage, Pennsylvania


Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

CDBG Introduction     What is MCRPC's Role?     Current Projects     Who to Contact?

Public Hearing and Workshop - 2007 CDBG Funding Availability
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - 1:30PM, MCRPC office
Click here for details!

Updated: December 8, 2006

The Community Development Block Grant program is an important funding tool for implementing community plans.  Municipalities can regularly apply for funding for qualifying activities and projects.  The Mercer County Regional Planning Commission is available to help Mercer County communities apply for funding from this program.

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is federally funded through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program awards grants in order to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward revitalizing neighborhoods, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and services. The CDBG program is an important tool in helping local governments tackle the most serious challenges facing their communities.

CDBG funds are to be used for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons, carry out activities which aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight, or address existing conditions that pose a serious and immediate threat to the welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet these needs.

CDBG funds may be used for activities that include, but are not limited to:

  • Acquisition of Real Property
  • Relocation and Demolition
  • Rehabilitation of Residential and Non-Residential Structures
  • Construction of Public Facilities and Improvements, such as Water and Sewer Facilities, Streets, Neighborhood Centers, and the Conversion of Schools for Eligible Purposes
  • Public Services (within certain limits)

The annual appropriation for the CDBG program is generally split between entitlement communities and the states.  Entitlement communities are larger municipalities that receive their own annual funding allocation.  Smaller, non-entitlement communities may seek funding from Mercer County's annual entitlement allocation.  Furthermore, the states distribute the funds to localities that do not qualify as entitlement communities through a competitive application process.  Entitlement communities in Mercer County are the cities of Farrell, Hermitage and Sharon, the boroughs of Greenville, Grove City, and Sharpsville, Pine Township and Mercer County.  


What is MCRPC's Role in CDBG?

MCRPC serves its members’ community development needs via grant writing and project administration/management expertise. MCRPC has helped numerous communities apply for and receive competitive CDBG funding through applications to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). DCED administers the CDBG program for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . Interested individuals and groups are encouraged to contact their local municipality to begin the competitive application process.

In addition to the competitive application process, non-entitlement communities and other organizations may apply to Mercer County for a portion of their CDBG entitlement funding. MCRPC assists the county commissioners in determining which projects to fund during this process.

Currently, MCRPC administers Mercer County , Greenville Borough and Pine Township 's CDBG entitlement programs, as well as member communities that have been awarded competitive CDBG funds. MCRPC's project administration/management is a daily process that occurs throughout the year to insure compliance with numerous applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations and standards. Preparing requests for proposals, project bidding, holding public hearings, financial management, environmental reviews and labor standards compliance are several of the administrative tasks performed to successfully bring a project to fruition.


Current Projects

Projects currently being administered by MCRPC are as follows:

Mercer County 2006

Overview: Mercer County distributed their CDBG allocation to several municipalities in 2006. Coolspring Township received $94,000 to pay for LMI residents to tap into a sanitary sewer system to be built in the southern portion of the township, Mercer Borough was given $120,000 to construct/replace storm sewers along W. Butler Street and S. Maple Street, Liberty Township received $18,200 for sanitary sewer laterals and related components on Schmidt Road, Wheatland Borough received $5,000 to demolish a dilapidated house, the Community Counseling Center was allocated $10,000 to expand outpatient services and AWARE, Inc. received $16,563 to expand a rural legal advocacy program for victims of physical and sexual abuse.

Current Status: ER Complete and subgrant agreements are being executed.

Greenville 2006

Overview: The Borough of Greenville designated FY 2006 funds to continue code enforcement ($63,000) and to fund street/road improvements ($29,500), with $25,000 to Taylor Street reconstruction and $4,500 going towards sidewalk improvements (eligible borough-wide).

Current Status: ER Complete.

Pine Twp. 2006

Overview: Pine Township designated FY 2006 funds to the installation of sewer laterals and related components on Schmidt Road ($50,000) and to their ongoing housing rehabilitation program ($43,588).

Current Status: ER Complete. RFP for Housing Rehabilitation Consultant sent out in December, 2006. Rehabilitation expected to occur throughout 2007 and subsequent years.

Hermitage 2006 & Farrell 2006

Overview: MCRPC is responsible for conducting Environmental Reviews (ERs) for the City of Hermitage & the City of Farrell CDBG programs.

Funding: Farrell & Hermitage CDBG

Current Status: FY 2006 ER consultation began in early May, 2006 and was completed in August of 2006.

Mercer County 2005

Overview: Mercer County designated its 2005 funds as follows: $10,000 to the Community Counseling Center and $12,007 to AWARE Inc., both public service activities; $10,000 to the Literacy Council of Mercer County for family development services; $48,000 to Mercer Borough for a borough-wide program to replace sewer-laterals for low-moderate-income (LMI) qualifying persons; $217,283 to Wheatland Borough for street/road improvements (storm water drainage improvements, reconstruction of road surfaces and curbs) on Beechwood Avenue and Chestnut, Laird and Morton Streets.

Current Status: Environmental Review has been completed and subgrant agreements have been executed. The Public Services have been using funds to operate and expand their programs. Wheatland Project is underway and should be completed in December of 2006 (weather permitting).

Greenville 2005

Overview: The Borough of Greenville designated FY 2005 funds to continue code enforcement ($61,772) and spot demolition ($4,435) and to fund street/road improvements ($50,000), with half going to Taylor Street reconstruction and half going towards sidewalk improvements (eligible borough-wide).

Current Status: Environmental Review is complete.

Pine Twp. 2005

Overview: Pine Township designated 2005 funds to construct a sanitary sewer system to serve homeowners along Schmidt and North Liberty Roads ($75,600), rehabilitate housing throughout the township ($22,137) and to demolish a dilapidated house ($5,500).

Current Status: Environmental Review is complete. House has been demolished and the Schmidt Road project should be underway in the spring of 2007.

Mercer County 2004

Overview/Funding: Mercer County designated the 2004 CDBG funds as follows: Hempfield Township ADA improvements to Hempfield Twp. Park ($12,173); Jackson Center Borough spot demolition ($17,868); Jamestown Borough ADA improvements to the Borough building ($37,950); Mercer Borough emergency siren ($24,800); MCRCOG for the transportation/recreation services for LMI persons ($17,300); The Literacy Council of Mercer County for Public service ($30,000); Wheatland Borough storm sewer project ($73,095); Woodland Place for facility renovations ($76,458); and Mercer County Area Agency on Aging, Inc. for Sandy Lake senior center improvements ($17,200).

Status: Contract executed with the Commonwealth.  Subgrant agreements executed between County and project sponsors.  The environmental review has been completed. Hempfield Township and Jackson Center Borough projects completed in summer, 2005; Jamestown ADA improvements completed in November, 2005; Mercer Borough emergency siren completed in fall, 2006.

Greenville 2004

Current Status: Greenville Borough designated its 2004 CDBG funds as follows: Reconstruction of South High Street (street, water) and Sidewalk Rehabilitation ($59,000), Code Enforcement ($60,000) and Clearance ($4,600).  Contract executed with the Commonwealth in summer 2004.  All projects have been completed.

Pine Twp. 2000, 2002-2004

Overview: Pine Township recently modified its 2000 CDBG Entitlement to fund the S.R. 173/Airport Road Sewer Line Extension Project. This project will extend new sanitary sewer service to twenty-two (22) homes that currently are characterized by failing on-lot septic systems. The project area is 53% low-to-moderate income.

Funding: The project is funded through CDBG funds in the amount of $356,675. Pine Township will use funds from its 2000, 2002, 2003 and a portion of its 2004 CDBG Entitlement .

Current Status: This project will extend new sanitary sewer service to twenty-two (22) homes that currently are characterized by failing on-lot septic systems.  The project area is 53% low-to-moderate income.  The project is funded through CDBG funds in the amount of $356,675. Pine Township used funds from its 2000, 2002, 2003 and its 2004 CDBG Entitlement.  Project construction is complete.

Mercer County 2003

Current Status: Fredonia water system improvement project is expected to be completed by early summer, 2006.  Jamestown Sanitary Sewer project – comminutor has been installed and is operating.  Mercer Borough ADA improvements to municipal building in design phase.  Public Service - Mercer County Regional Council of Governments for the transportation/recreation services for LMI persons is ongoing.

Greenville 2003

Current Status: South High Street project bid was over-budget.  Was re-bid in the spring of 2005 and construction has since been completed.

Mercer County 2002

Overview/Funding: Mercer County designated its 2002 CDBG Entitlement funds to be used for the following projects: Expansion of Family Center Services into Lakeview, Grove City and West Middlesex ($20,000), Demolition ($15,000) and a Downtown Revitalization Plan ($18,000) in Jamestown Borough, ADA Renovations to the Clark Park and Borough Building ($49,300), ADA Renovations to Chestnut Street and borough building in Wheatland ($40,800) Transportation and Recreation Services for Low Moderate Income Persons involving Chestnut Run Swim Beach ($29,000), Housing Rehabilitation ($93,599) and ADA Renovations to the Mercer County Courthouse ($50,000).

Current Status: Clark ADA Renovations completed; Wheatland ADA Renovations to municipal building completed. Wheatland ADA curb cuts completed.  Jamestown Downtown Plan substantially completed; Housing Rehabilitation-consultant procured.  Public service project of Literacy Council of Mercer County is ongoing. Public service for MCRCOG - this year’s funding expended. Funds that were to be used for ADA renovations to Mercer County Courthouse have been modified to satisfy ADA regulations at 6 municipalities throughout the county (Greene, Jefferson , Mill Creek and Otter Creek Townships; Fredonia and Jackson Center Boroughs). These projects were completed in the first-half of 2006, with the exception of the Mill Creek project, which will is expected to be completed in December, 2006 or January, 2007. Courthouse ADA improvements were paid with non-CDBG funds.


Who to Contact?

For more information on the Mercer County CDBG programs, please contact Carmen Reichard or Matt Stewart at (724) 981-2412.

You may also contact your local elected officials for more information. 

Mercer County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148
[email protected]


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