Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, Hermitage, Pennsylvania


Mercer County Transportation Planning

Mercer County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

2006 MPO Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 31, 2006
10:30am - MCRPC Offices, Hermitage, PA


  • Marcia Hirschmann Hermitage City

  • Daniel Gracenin MCRPC

  • Jeremy Coxe MCRPC

  • Kevin McCullough PennDOT

  • Denise Anthony Senator Robbins

  • Don Hall PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Nancy Leone Rep. Dick Stevenson

  • Bill Petit PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Erin Wiley PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mariah Hanson PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mark Miller Mercer County

  • Tom Stanton Wheatland Borough

  • Pat Turner Rep. Rod Wilt

  • Deborah Schreckengost PennDOT

  • Vance Oakes Greenville Borough

  • Pete Longiotti Greenville Borough

  • Terry Farren Grove City Borough

  • Barb Brown Springfield Township

  • Ken Seamans Wilmington Township

  • Andrea Folkertsma Grove City Borough

  • David George West Middlesex Borough

  • Margaret Dutkowski U.S. Senator Rick Santorum

  • Mirta Reyes-Chapman Eastgate Regional COG

  • Gerald Sheatz French Creek Township

  • Ron Faull Liberty Township

  • Robert Hannigan PennDOT

  • Stephen Theiss Mercer County Trails Association

  • Frank Gargiulo City of Farrell

  • Bill Jones Mercer County Regional COG

  • Nathan Clark Interested Citizen

  • Phil & Mary Yasnowsky Interested Citizens


Ms. Hirschmann called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.


Ms. Hirschmann asked for any additions, deletions, or corrections to the Minutes of the January 17, 2006 meeting. Ms. Nancy Leone, from Rep. Dick Stevenson’s office stated that she was present at the January 17, 2006 meeting. Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Seamans so moved, Mr. Stanton seconded. The motion passed.


Ms. Hirschmann opened the floor for nominations of Chair for the MPO. A motion was made by Ms. Brown to elect Ms. Hirschmann as Chair for the MPO. Mr. Seamans seconded. There being no other nominations, the motion passed. The floor was then open for nominations of Vice-Chair. A motion was made by Mr. George to elect Mr. Tulip as Vice-Chair for the MPO. Mr. Stanton seconded. There being no other nominations, the motion passed.


Mr. Gracenin stated that the Draft Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) outlines what the MCRPC will be doing for the administration of the MPO. He noted that there is a new line item under Section II. Planning Tools and Techniques, which is NEPA, Implementation, Right-Sizing. PennDOT is encouraging right-sizing and implementation to make sure that when MCRPC is planning out projects, that they will get what needs to be done completed without expanding the project continually. Mr. Gracenin stated that discussions would be held with the Central Office as they outline the budget, and some changes might take place. Currently we have $81,111 in Federal Planning Funds, $33,000 in Federal Transit Funds, $14,264 in State Motor License Funds, $6,013 in Matching Funds, $98,514 in GIS Funds and $8,250 in Federal Transit Match Funds. He asked if there were any question on the Draft UPWP. There being none, Mr. George made a motion to approve the Draft UPWP for the 2006-2007 year. Ms. Brown seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Gracenin stated that the City of Sharon has indicted an interest in doing a traffic study that would go through downtown Sharon because of the bridges that will be reconstructed on State Street and Route 62. This study would see how the traffic flow and patterns are going to work through downtown Sharon. The City of Sharon would like to apply for special study monies. He stated that he would meet with the City of Sharon and discuss the scope of work. Since the MPO Committee does not meet until April, he would like to get conditional approval to apply for the special study monies. Match funds would come from MCRPC staff time. In discussion, Mr. Petit questioned if we would consider including Budd Street re-opening in the study. Mr. Gracenin stated that it could be included in the scope of work. Mr. Clark suggested that we involve Norfolk-Southern Railroad in the discussions with the City of Sharon. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Petit to approve the submission of a special truck traffic study for the City of Sharon and to include Budd Street re-opening in the study. Mr. George seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Gracenin explained that at the January 17, 2006 meeting of the MPO, voting members were given the opportunity to prioritize new capital transportation projects in order to give them some direction for future TIP’s. He discussed the priority-ranking sheet, and noted that some of the projects are more safety related. He noted that there is a safety line item in the TIP for safety related projects, which will be discussed at future MPO meetings. He stated that there is no room for new projects to be added to the TIP because project costs are rising. He asked if there were any questions on the ranking of projects. There being none, he turned the meeting over to PennDOT.

Mr. Petit explained that based on the 4-year TIP update process, the guidance would suggest that Mercer County’s MPO has roughly $67.8 Million available for transportation improvements and the programs draft TIP is $89.4 Million. He stated that there is no room for new projects to be added to the TIP, cuts most likely will be made, since we are $21 Million over budget.

Mr. Hall next discussed the larger projects on the TIP. (A copy of the 2007 TIP is attached to and made a permanent part of the Minutes.) He explained two projects on SR 58: the bridge over Sugar Creek which is a new project this year, and a traffic safety corridor project on SR 58/173 in Grove City. MCRPC submitted this corridor study on behalf of the Borough, which was approved, in order to look at improvements to this congested corridor. Mr. Gargiulo asked if these two Rt. 58 projects are near each other. It was stated no, they are different projects. Mr. Hall stated that the PA 60 Broadway Avenue (S.V. Industrial Corridor) project has been ongoing and is in Phase I. Next, they are proposing to build a half-clover leaf at the PA 60/318 interchange due to the I-376 re-designation. A compromise was reached with FHWA. Mr. Clark asked if this is the only area in Mercer County affected by the I-376 re-designation. He stated yes and there will be some additional cost for signing changes. Ms. Reyes-Chapman asked if the total cost is by phase. He stated yes. Mr. George questioned the intersection south of Rt. 18/PA 60. It was noted that the ramps are too short for criteria, but they will obtain a design exemption and no work should need done. Next he noted that the S.V. Industrial Corridor, Phase II project is in the design phase, with construction to start around 2011.

Mr. Hall discussed the 3 bridges on the S.V. Freeway (SR 62), between Connelly Boulevard and the Ohio line. Total construction cost is estimated at $18 Million. Design should be completed by 2007-08, and monies may need to be moved around to complete funding. He noted that preliminary engineering was funded for the PA 158 bridge (twin bridges). A question was raised if they were going to widen the road because of Amish buggies? It was noted that the road will not be widened, this is strictly a bridge project. It was noted that they could look at some type of pavement structure. Next he noted that additional money has been earmarked for the PA 208/I-79 project. He noted that the Rt. 318/West Middlesex Viaduct is a new addition to the TIP and will be a big project. Mr. George asked what the traffic volume is on the bridge? Mr. Coxe stated that a class count was done this year just west of the bridge and we should have data in a few months. We will make sure that he receives the information. Mr. Garrett questioned if there would be a weight restriction put on this bridge. It was stated no. Someone asked if the bridge would be closed during construction. It was stated yes, and detours will be planned.

He stated that there is priority on the PA 718 State Street Bridge, so it can be used as the detour when work is being done on the other bridges in the City of Sharon. He stated that they are hoping to go to construction by 2007 and should take 1 year to complete. Design is being started for the Ivanhoe/McCullough Run Bridge. The Carlton Road Bridge in New Lebanon Borough, which goes over French Creek, will be a big project and is in the preliminary phase. Next he noted that the Milburn Road Bridge in Springfield Township is ready to go. Design has been ongoing for the North Liberty Road Bridge.

He next commented on the Highland Road – Phase I & II project. Phase I is ready to go, with construction to being in 2006. The preliminary engineering is complete for Phase II with final design to be funded in 2007 and construction scheduled in 2008-09. He explained that the East Lake Road Relocation project is a Township Road by the Shenango River Lake. This relocation project is earmarked at $125,000. Mr. Gracenin stated that this project is under funded and we will need to talk with Pymatuning Township regarding this issue.

Mr. Miller stated that the Diamond Road Bridge project is in the preliminary engineering phase and the Chestnut Street Bridge in Grove City is also in the preliminary and final design and both are on the current TIP. The Riggs Road Bridge project in Shenango Township is in the final design with construction in 2007. The Mill Road Bridge project in Perry Township is ready for preliminary design. The McCartney Road Bridge in Fairview Township is also on the current TIP for preliminary and final design. He stated that additional preliminary engineering funds were requested for the Kelly Road Bridge project. The Ohl Street Bridge and Race Street Bridge projects in the Borough of Greenville would be for new structures, which are on the current TIP for preliminary engineering funds. Additional funds were requested for preliminary engineering. Lastly, he commented on the Old Route 322 Bridge in French Creek Township. This is an Old State highway bridge, which is owned by French Creek Township. The Township is requesting funds to replace the structure.

Mr. Hall next commented that there is $3.5 Million set aside for the 3R Betterment line items. He noted that there is an allotment set aside each year for the Railroad line item. He noted that at the STC Hearing, testimony was given regarding the Wasser Road Bridge and Budd Street projects. He noted that they were put on the TIP as placeholders, but no funding is available.

Mr. Hall stated that there are several enhancement projects on the current TIP. Mr. Theiss questioned the Trout Island enhancement project. He noted that there is a safety problem with access to the trail. Mr. Theiss said he would talk with PennDOT regarding this issue. Mr. McCullough commented that project delivery is through PennDOT and when transportation enhancement projects are ready to go, PennDOT will find funds to forward it on the program.

Mr. Hall commented on the traffic signal line item. This line item will look at improvements and study the needs on corridors. Under the safety line item, the MPO allotment is shown. The intent of this safety line item is to construct projects to improve safety. PennDOT will present a list of projects. He stated that $250,000 was set aside each year for the economic development line item for unknown costs related to economic development. Next he noted that money was set aside for the wetland banking line item.

Mr. Gracenin commented that the STU line item money is the extra study money they started receiving from the 2000 Census. This money is wide open and can be used to fund studies, enhancement projects or a specific project. Money was used the first couple of years to fund the County GIS project. He noted that this STU line item does require a 20% match.

After reviewing the Draft TIP, Mr. Hall asked if there were any comments. Mr. Hannigan commented that due to fiscal constraints, suggested moving the 3R line, safety line and STU line items around to other projects. Mr. Hall stated that they would look at this suggestion. There being no further comments, Mr. Gracenin stated that a motion is needed to approve the draft 2007-2010 TIP. A motion was made by Ms. Brown to approve the Draft 2007-2010 TIP. Mr. Seamans seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. McCullough noted that some money was moved around to make some small changes to the Milburn Road Bridge in order to get it ready for construction in 2007. He also noted that some money was moved around for changes to the McCartney Road Bridge. There being no discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Brown to approve the TIP administrative actions. Mr. Hannigan seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe stated that he is in the process of updating the Coordinating Committee list. He stated that a letter was sent to each voting member municipality requesting this information. There was discussion on which municipalities were the voting members. Mr. Coxe read the list of voting members. Mr. Gracenin suggested that the voting members could sit around the meeting table and nametags will be provided for them.

Mr. Gracenin commented that the Draft Long-Range Plan has been completed. Prior to the next MPO meeting on April 11th, the Draft Long-Range Plan will be put out for public review and comment, with adoption by the next meeting.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Daniel M. Gracenin,
MPO Secretary


Mercer County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148
[email protected]


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