Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, Hermitage, Pennsylvania


Mercer County Transportation Planning

Mercer County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

2006 MPO Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 – 10:30 A.M. - MCRPC Offices, Hermitage, PA


  • Marcia Hirschmann Hermitage City

  • Daniel Gracenin MCRPC

  • Jeremy Coxe MCRPC

  • Kevin McCullough PennDOT

  • Don Hall PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Cindy Supel PennDOT

  • Gary Hittle Hempfield Township

  • Nancy Leone Rep. Dick Stevenson

  • Bill Petit PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Erin Wiley PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mariah Hanson PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Bill Marceau PennDOT

  • Mark Miller Mercer County

  • Deborah Schreckengost PennDOT

  • Vance Oakes Grove City Borough

  • Pete Longiotti Greenville Borough

  • Ken Seamans Wilmington Township

  • Tom Paxton Pine Township

  • Andrea Folkertsma Grove City Borough

  • Kathy Dimpsey FHWA

  • Gerald Sheatz French Creek Township

  • Ron Faull Liberty Township

  • Robert Hannigan PennDOT

  • Stephen Theiss Mercer County Trails Association

  • Bill Jones Mercer County Regional COG

  • Elliott Lengel Findley Township

  • Nathan Clark Interested Citizen

  • Judy Hassler Springfield Township

  • Phil & Mary Yasnowsky Interested Citizens


Ms. Hirschmann called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.


Ms. Hirschmann asked for any additions, corrections or deletions to the Minutes of the January 31, 2006 meeting. There being none, Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Seamans so moved, Mr. Hannigan seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe stated that the Long Range Plan will not be approved today due to a public hearing scheduled for April 20th at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Long Range Transportation Plan and its related documentation. Mr. Coxe explained that the meeting agenda had been changed just prior to this meeting, we plan to recess this meeting and reconvene in a couple of weeks in order to take care of this issue along with some other discussion regarding the Draft TIP. Mr. Coxe stated that the Long Range Transportation Plan is part of the overall Mercer County Comprehensive Plan which has been going on for over the past three years. He explained that the Long Range Plan is available online and at the MCRPC offices to view prior to the public hearing. Mr. Gracenin explained that we received a lot of public input regarding the Long Range Plan which will be included in the Mercer County Comprehensive Plan. In discussion, Mr. Theiss asked if the CD’s would be made available to the public. Mr. Coxe stated CD’s will be made available to anyone who might want a copy or they can view/print it online.


Mr. Gracenin explained that the Scenic Byways Program is a State-wide program also at the Federal level. Creek Road in New Vernon Township along the lake is a dirt road and over the past several years, the Township has been trying to find funding to make improvements to this very scenic road which has a lot of traffic/tourism. New Vernon Township completed an application to the State to become part of the Scenic Byways Program for Creek Road. New Vernon Township is requesting the MPO to make a formal action to support their application be designated. If the Township would become designated, the Township could apply for some State funding in order to make improvements to that roadway. Mr. Gracenin also stated that this would be the first scenic byways designated in Mercer County, which there are not many across the State. There being no discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Seamans to approve writing a letter of support for the Creek Road PA Scenic Byways designation. Mr. Paxton seconded. The motion passed.

2007-2010 TIP UPDATE

Mr. McCullough explained that PennDOT has been reviewing and making some final decisions regarding the funding overall for all the TIP’s Statewide. He noted that PennDOT has not come to a final agreement for the TIP, since a couple of significant projects Statewide have an impact on everybody’s program. He also stated that the Draft TIP for Mercer County has not changed from three weeks ago, they do not anticipate any changes other than a few minor additions to some projects, and he cannot present the Draft TIP as PennDOT’s approved version yet. In discussion, Mr. Jones noted that the US 62 bridges moved out a year. Ms. Hanson stated that they intend to work on the State Street bridge first and that the line item covers all three of the US 62 bridges. Mr. Coxe asked if the PA 60/318 interchange had moved out to 2011 for more construction. Mr. McCullough stated yes and noted that this will not impact anything regarding the I-376 designation. Ms. Hirschmann asked if there was any further discussion. There being none, she stated that since PennDOT has not come to a final agreement Statewide regarding the TIP’s, no action will be taken today. Mr. Gracenin stated that we would recess this meeting and reconvene in a couple of weeks in order to review the document and then act on the 2007-2010 TIP, which then can be forwarded onto PennDOT.

In further discussion, Ms. Hanson noted that under the TIP some projects have earmarks and some have AC or advanced construction. Mr. McCullough noted that in 2007, the PA 208/I-79 interchange project will have $3 Million in earmark funds that will be utilized. He also noted that in 2008, the State Street Bridge will have $1.25 Million in earmark funds. In 2010, the East Lake Road relocation project currently shows $125,000 in earmark funds, but could change after they review this project further. In 2008, the Greenville Streetscape project will have $2.5 Million in earmark funds.

There being no further comments, Ms. Hirschmann stated that we need to reconvene this meeting and reschedule the meeting in order to act on the TIP and the Long Range Plan. Various dates were discussed. It was determined that the reconvened meeting would be held on Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 10:30 a.m.


Mr. McCullough explained two administrative actions taken under the 2005-2008 TIP: 1) transferred funding to cover additional inspection costs on the Oakland Avenue Bridge for a total of $200,000. This money was taken from the construction phase of the Chestnut Street Bridge; and 2) transferred some construction money from right-of-way for the PA 208/I-79 Interchange. Mr. McCullough stated that these administrative actions are for informational purposes only and no action is required.

Mr. McCullough explained one 2005-2008 TIP amendment, which requires an official action from the MPO Board members. He noted that they transferred funding to add right-of-way and utility phases to keep the project underway for the Chestnut Street Bridge, which is fully funded in the draft 2007 TIP. There being no discussion, a motion was made by Ms. Folkertsma to transfer funding to add right-of-way and utility phases to keep the Chestnut Street Bridge project underway. Mr. Lengel seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Gracenin explained that about 3 years ago, the Bylaws Committee started updating their Bylaws regarding membership, but was put on the back burner. He stated that we received two requests for membership – Jefferson and Hempfield Townships. Hempfield Township has always been a member of the Technical Committee, but not the Coordinating Committee. Mr. Gracenin noted that in the past, we would vote on new members joining. He stated that we have two options: 1) reconvene the Bylaws Committee to discuss membership; or 2) take action regarding membership. Mr. Lengel explained that he was a member of the Bylaws Committee and feels that we should take action today regarding membership and then reconvene the Bylaws Committee to update the Bylaws. Mr. Seamans agreed. There being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Seamans to approve the request from Jefferson and Hempfield Townships to become members of the MPO Coordinating Committee. Mr. Longiotti seconded. The motion passed.

Next, Mr. Seamans made a motion that we reconvene the Bylaws Committee within the next few months. Mr. Lengel seconded. The motion passed. Mr. Gracenin explained that he will obtain some information and inform the Bylaws Committee when a meeting will be held.

Mr. Gracenin explained that he received a letter from the City of Hermitage regarding Intersection Improvement Projects. The City is not looking for any action today, but possibly at the next MPO meeting, request STU funds for intersection improvements. He explained that the City has issued a bond in order to do a number of things in their community, which would include matching funds as needed for construction. Mr. Gracenin explained that there would be three intersection improvement projects: 1) Lamor Road/Valley View Road intersection; 2) East State Street/Dutch Lane/Maple Drive Intersection; and 3) East State Street/Kerrwood Drive & East State Street/Ellis Avenue Intersections. Ms. Hirschmann briefly explained that these projects would entail upgrading these intersections to provide left turn lanes where needed, provide pedestrian improvements, include signalization and crosswalks, etc.

Mr. Coxe stated that he would send a letter to Jefferson and Hempfield Townships informing them that they are now formally members of the MPO Coordinating Committee and that they should appoint one voting member and at least one alternate to the Coordinating Committee at their next Supervisor’s meeting. Mr. Coxe also noted that he has started the 2006 traffic counting program, through PennDOT, around Mercer County.

Mr. Petit commented that PennDOT is in the process of rebuilding the Quaker Bridge on Williamson Road and as part of that activity they had to deal with historic bridge crossing (the Quaker Bridge Truss). They are trying to preserve the bridge structure. Mr. Nathan Clark explained that a local group is interested in preserving it where it currently is located.

Mr. Gracenin explained that if anyone is interested, that there will be a GIS meeting on April 24, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. regarding the Pilot Project which will look at the parcels in depth.


Ms. Hirschmann stated that a motion is needed to recess the meeting. Mr. Seamans made a motion that we recess the meeting at 12:05 p.m. and reconvene the meeting to Tuesday, May 2, 2006. Mr. Lengel seconded. The motion passed.

Ms. Hirschmann, Chairman reconvened the meeting of the MPO Coordinating Committee on Tuesday, May 2, 2006 at 10:40 a.m. A quorum was present.


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 – 10:30 A.M. - MCRPC Offices, Hermitage, PA


  • Marcia Hirschmann Hermitage City

  • Tom Tulip Mercer County Regl. COG

  • Michele Brooks Mercer County Commissioner

  • Daniel Gracenin MCRPC

  • Jeremy Coxe MCRPC

  • Kevin McCullough PennDOT

  • Bill Petit PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Margaret Dutkowski U.S. Senator Rick Santorum

  • Gary Hittle Hempfield Township

  • Mike Nashtock South Pymatuning Township

  • Bob Lucas City of Sharon

  • Nancy Leone Rep. Dick Stevenson

  • Mariah Hanson PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mark Miller Mercer County

  • Vance Oakes Grove City Borough

  • Pete Longiotti Greenville Borough

  • Ken Seamans Wilmington Township

  • Dick Brandes Jefferson Township

  • Tom Paxton Pine Township

  • Andrea Folkertsma Grove City Borough

  • Gerald Sheatz French Creek Township

  • Robert Hannigan PennDOT

  • Stephen Theiss Mercer County Trails Association

  • Bill Jones Mercer County Regional COG

  • Phil & Mary Yasnowsky Interested Citizens


Mr. Coxe explained that this item was tabled at the April 11, 2006 meeting due to a public hearing scheduled for April 20, 2006 regarding the Long Range Transportation Plan and its related documentation. He stated that he mailed a CD of the Long Range Transportation Plan to voting members of the MPO Committee. The Long Range Transportation Plan is part of the overall Mercer County Comprehensive Plan which has been going on for over the past three years. The related documentation involves the Air Quality Resolution and the Long Range Transportation Plan and also public comments. One public comment was received in writing by Phil & Mary Yasnowsky which will be addressed in the Long Range Transportation Plan and will be mailed to PennDOT and FHWA for their approval. Mr. Coxe asked if there were any questions on the Long Range Plan. A question was raised concerning how the results of a congestive traffic study in the Grove City area would be implemented through this plan. Mr. Coxe stated that Gannett Fleming and PennDOT are currently working on a congestive corridor plan in Grove City Borough and Pine Township. Once the congestive corridor plan is completed, discussion with ensue regarding implementation and information regarding this will be included in the Long Range Transportation Plan. Mr. McCullough stated that the project would be implemented through the TIP.

Ms. Hirschmann asked if there were any other questions regarding the Long Range Plan. There being none, Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve the Long Range Transportation Plan. Ms. Folkertsma so moved, Mr. Seamans seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Hirschmann stated that a separate motion is needed to approve the Air Quality Resolution for Nonattainment MPO’s. Mr. Coxe stated that this is a standard resolution which needs to be passed in order to forward to PennDOT and FHWA for their approval. There being no questions on the resolution, Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve the Air Quality Resolution. Mr. Tulip so moved, Mr. Lucas seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

2007-2010 TIP UPDATE

Mr. McCullough stated that no action was taken at the April 11, 2006 meeting regarding the 2007-2010 TIP Update, since PennDOT had to come to a final agreement statewide regarding the TIP’s. He stated that the Draft TIP for Mercer County remains unchanged from 3 weeks ago. He highlighted on 2 projects: 1) in 2007, SPIKE funds of $200,000 will be utilized for final design for the Broadway Corridor; and 2) in 2009-2010, $6 Million each year of SPIKE funds will be utilized for the U.S. 62 bridges on the Freeway in the City of Sharon. Mr. McCullough stated overall the SPIKE funds represent $12.2 Million above and beyond the base allocation and the EARMARK funds represent $5.5 Million additional funding above base.

In discussion, Mayor Bob Lucas from the City of Sharon questioned if the U.S. 62 bridges are slated to begin in 2008. It was noted that the U.S. 62 bridges will not begin until the downtown State Street bridge is completed. Mr. Lucas stated that the truck traffic in downtown Sharon is terrible. He felt that if the Budd Street property could be opened up, it would help alleviate some of this truck traffic. It was noted that a truck traffic study will look at opening the Budd Street crossing. Mr. Lucas also noted that Stewart Avenue, which comes off of Broadway Avenue, averages 550 trucks a day on this City street, which the trucks are busting up the road. Mr. Coxe stated that he will be forming a group from Sharon City Council and Mayor to pick a consulting team to get a truck traffic study started. Next, there was a question concerning when the Chestnut Street Bridge was starting. It was noted that construction was to start in 2007, with the design process being worked on now.

Mr. Coxe stated that the Transit TIP and the Highway TIP are separate, but are the same thing. The Transit TIP will be part of the overall MPO TIP. Mr. Jones explained that the Transit TIP is a living, breathing document that will change over time. He noted that in 2007, they will loose the ability to use Federal funds for operating assistance. He highlighted 3 projects in the 2007 fiscal year: 1) received Federal Flex money of $29,000 for asset maintenance; 2) received money for a bus replacement; and 3) received money for a garage addition. He stated that the Transit TIP is fiscally constrained.

Ms. Hirschmann asked if there were any other questions regarding the Draft 2007-2010 TIP. There were comments regarding the timeline for the downtown State Street Bridge. After discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Paxton to approve the Draft 2007-2010 TIP and forward it on to PennDOT. Mr. Seamans seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel M. Gracenin,
MPO Secretary


Mercer County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148
[email protected]


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