Mercer County
Transportation Planning
Mercer County Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO)
2005 MPO Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
10:30am - MCRPC Offices, Hermitage,
Marcia Hirschmann
Hermitage City
Daniel Gracenin MCRPC
Dave Ryan Mayor - Sharon
Barb Brown Springfield
Kevin McCullough PennDOT
Don Hall PennDOT
Bob Zarecky PennDOT,
Erin Wiley PennDOT,
District 1-0
Deborah Schreckengost
PennDOT, District 1-0
Mark Miller Mercer County
Robert Davis Wheatland
LaVon Saternow Farrell
Tom Paxton Pine Township
Pete Longiotti Greenville
Terry Farren Grove City
Ron Faull Liberty Township
John Getchey Eastgate
Regional COG
Kathy M. Zook Eastgate
Regional COG
Mirta Reyes-Chapman
Eastgate Regional COG
David George West
Middlesex Borough
Mariah Hanson PennDOT
Ken Seamans Wilmington
Margaret Dutkowski Senator
Rick Santorum
Gary Hittle Hempfield
Denise L. Anthony Senator
Bob Robbins
Brad Gosser
Greenville-Reynolds Development
Stephen Theiss Sharon City
Harmon Fennell West
Middlesex Borough
Nathan Clark NSCJ
Nancy Leone Representative
Dick Stevenson
Michele Brooks Mercer
Robert McGhee Coolspring
Jack Thompson Grove City
Chuck Gilliland Shenango
Phil & Mary Yasnowsky
Jeremy Coxe MCRPC
Bill Jones Mercer County
Regional COG
Tom Tulip Mercer County
Regional COG
Brian Barnhizer MCRPC
Matt Stewart MCRPC
Ms. Hirschmann called the
meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.
APRIL 28, 2005
Ms. Hirschmann asked for any
additions, deletions, or corrections to the Minutes of the April 28, 2005
meeting. There being none, Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve. Mr.
Seamans so moved, Mr. George seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. McCullough explained the
additional allocation of $344 million of federal funds that the Governor
announced recently. Also, some additional state funding was identified, which
brought this to nearly $1 billion identified state-wide. He noted that this
coincided with the needs of two of our larger transit operators in the
Commonwealth of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. He noted that in 2005, they had
flexed some money to those systems and will flex some additional funding to
those agencies in 2006. As part of this, there will be additional funds flexed
to other transit agencies that have operating needs and one of those would be
the Shenango Valley Shuttle Service. He explained that there are $69,636 which
will be flexed to the Shenango Valley Shuttle Service for preventive
maintenance, on an as needed basis. Next, he noted that they are asking to
move some money from the Porter Road Bridge to the Quaker Road Bridge to
advance the construction phase of this project. He also noted that there is an
additional flex project, which is a part of their annual flexing of projects,
where there is money that is identified ahead of time from the state-wide TIP
which they flex dollars to these agencies on an as needed basis. In this
particular case, there was an additional $25,000 of federal funds that was
identified to replace a maintenance vehicle in the 2006 TIP. He stated that he
will need a motion to this amendment for flexing $69,636 to the Shenango
Valley Shuttle Service. After brief discussion, a motion was made by Mr.
George to flex $69,636 to the SVSS. Ms. Brown seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. McCullough next
distributed a chart that showed the administrative actions that already has
taken place in order to move projects along. The first three relate to some
betterment projects. The district moved some money around from the betterment
line item in order to keep projects moving along and to take advantage of some
cost savings. He next noted that there was money moved into a bridge
maintenance project from an interstate line item in order to cover some of the
estimates for construction.
Mr. Gracenin explained that
the Self-Certification Resolution is an annual document which the MPO is
required to adopt. It certifies that the planning process is being carried out
in conformance with all of the applicable federal requirements and certifies
that the local process to enhance the participation of general public,
including the transportation disadvantaged, has been followed in developing
all plans and programs, including the FFY 2005-2008 TIP. There being no
questions on the resolution, a motion was made by Ms. Brown to approve the
Self-Certification Resolution. Mr. Ryan seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. Tulip explained that every
three years the SVSS is subject to an FTA overview, which this year they were
asked to formalize the planning arrangement with the MPO through the MCRPC.
FTA certainly is not aware of both organizations sharing a common office
facility and how they talk/plan on a regular basis. A Letter of
Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding was written to recommit and reconfirm
the ongoing working agreement and to continue the process of structured
planning by the parties/organizations herein listed as the planning and
administrative entities responsible for Mercer County Public Transportation
Services. Mr. Jones stated that there was an original agreement done awhile
back, but apparently no one seems to have the signed original. In order to
satisfy the FTA, a MOU was written between the MPO and SVSS. There being no
questions on the MOU, a motion was made by Mr. George to approve the MOU
between the MPO and SVSS. Mr. Ryan seconded. The motion passed.
Mr. Gracenin explained that it
is time to prepare for the State Transportation Commission’s (STC) 12-Year
Transportation Program update. The STC Hearing will provide you with the first
opportunity to promote any large capital transportation projects or issues
that may affect your community. The STC Hearing for our region is set for
September 22, 2005 at the Ambassador Banquet and Conference Center in Erie,
PA. Should you or your community wish to present oral testimony at the
hearing, he asked that you speak with him after the meeting. He stated that a
block of time will be set aside for those individuals from Mercer County
wishing to present testimony to the STC. Also, testimony can be submitted
electronically. He explained that an application and additional information
can be found on the internet. A link to the PennDOT website has been
established on the MCRPC website front page. In preparation for the STC
Hearing, a workshop will be held on September 7th at 1:00 p.m. in
the MCRPC offices.
Mr. Gracenin explained that
over the past few years we have had projects funded around the County under
the Transportation Enhancement Program. This year it has been joined with the
Safe Routes to School/Hometown Streets. The applications are due September 30th.
A workshop will be held on August 25th at 1:00 p.m. to discuss
projects. This workshop is very important.
Mr. Gracenin explained that
this item will be reviewed by the Technical Committee, instead of this
evening, because there are a lot of projects identified under the Long Range
Plan. He stated that the Long Range Plan and the TIP are Federal documents and
the 12-Year Program is a State document. The State document is important
because it provides the local match to the Federal dollars. He noted that he
would like to provide a Long Range Transportation Project list for projects
around the county prior to the STC Hearing Workshop, which will be held on
September 7th at the MCRPC offices, and possibly to combine the
Technical Committee and the STC Hearing Workshop meeting at the same time to
review and prioritize them properly.
Mr. Gracenin explained that he
received a request from Grove City Borough concerning a congested corridor
along Rt. 58 coming in from the west side of town and going all the way
through town where Rt. 208 and Rt. 173 cross Rt. 58. He noted that there is a
program at the State level called the Congested Corridor Improvement Program (CCIP).
An application would need to be submitted on behalf of the community from the
MPO, which in turn is submitted to the State. If the State would fund the
program, they would provide all of the engineering to come up with solutions
and analyze the corridor for improvements to the congestion situation and
eventually that project would be put into the TIP. The State would suggest a
commitment from the MPO that $250,000 be put in for preliminary engineering
into the TIP. Mr. McCullough noted that they encourage the MPO’s to do this,
but they realize that there are priorities. He noted that if they do commit
the money to the study, the State would expect the MPO to program the project
and follow through with the project. After some discussion, a motion was made
by Ms. Brown and seconded by Mr. Seamans to submit an application on behalf of
the Grove City corridor and set aside some money for the project and follow
through with the project. The motion passed.
Mr. Hall from PennDOT
discussed the 62 bridge on the freeway that goes toward Ohio and the bridge on
East State Street in downtown Sharon. He noted that both projects are high
priority. Mr. Ryan, Mayor of Sharon, stated that the State Street Bridge might
last until 2008, but the sidewalks will not. He noted that the bridge is owned
by PennDOT and the sidewalks are owned by the City. Mr. Ryan felt that the
State Street Bridge is more of a safety factor and should be moved up on the
TIP in order to get it completed. Mr. Hall stated that no action is needed on
this today, but we should make sure that when they are working on the update,
that they fund the State Street Bridge as a higher priority than the 62 bridge
on the freeway.
Mr. Gracenin explained that we
received earmarked monies specifically for the State Street Bridge ($1Million)
and for the I-79/Rt. 208 interchange ($2.4 Million) and in Pymatuning Township
– East Lake Road ($100,000). Mr. McCullough gave a brief overview of the
East Lake Road project.
Mr. McCullough next gave a
brief overview on the SAFETEALU funding. He explained that a Transportation
and Energy Bill was signed by the President and Congress passed them on July
29th. The SAFETEALU funding is for over a period of 6 years and is
retroactive. He stated that if anyone had any questions concerning this to
either see him after the meeting or give him a call.
Mr. Gracenin explained that
the next MPO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15th at
10:30 a.m. at the MCRPC offices. He also noted that Mr. Jeremy Coxe, Assistant
Director-Planning will start at the next meeting taking more of an active and
lead role on the day to day activities of the MPO. Next, there was a question
regarding the I-376 designation and how it will affect Mercer County. Mr.
Gracenin gave a quick overview on where this project stands.
There being no further
business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel M. Gracenin,
MPO Secretary
County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148
[email protected]
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