Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, Hermitage, Pennsylvania


Mercer County Transportation Planning

Mercer County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

2006 MPO Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 – 10:30 A.M. - MCRPC Offices, Hermitage, PA


  • Marcia Hirschmann Hermitage City

  • Daniel Gracenin MCRPC

  • Jeremy Coxe MCRPC

  • Kevin McCullough PennDOT

  • Don Hall PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Susan Roach PennDOT

  • Gene Chabak Gannett Fleming

  • Nancy Leone Rep. Dick Stevenson

  • Bob Lucas City of Sharon

  • Mike Wilson Sharpsville Borough

  • Margaret Dutkowski U.S. Senator Rick Santorum

  • Erin Wiley PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mariah Hanson PennDOT, District 1-0

  • Mark Miller Mercer County

  • Deborah Schreckengost PennDOT

  • Karen Coombs Interested Citizen

  • Pete Longiotti Greenville Borough

  • Ryan Eggleston Greenville Borough

  • Josh Snyder Senator Arlen Specter

  • Ken Seamans Wilmington Township

  • Tom Paxton Pine Township

  • Kathleen Rodi Eastgate

  • Kathy Zook Eastgate

  • Andrea Folkertsma Grove City Borough

  • Ron Faull Liberty Township

  • Robert Hannigan PennDOT

  • Chuck Gilliland Shenango Township

  • Dick Brandes Jefferson Township

  • Frank Cavataio PennDOT

  • Stephen Theiss Mercer County Trails Association

  • Diane Helbig Commissioner Michele Brooks


  • Tom Tulip Mercer County Regional COG

  • Barb Brown Springfield Township

  • Denise Anthony Senator Robbins

  • Phil & Mary Yasnowsky Interested Citizens


Ms. Hirschmann called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M.


Ms. Hirschmann asked for any additions, corrections or deletions to the Minutes of the April 11/May 2, 2006 meeting. There being none, Ms. Hirschmann asked for a motion to approve. Mr. Seamans so moved, Mr. Tulip seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe explained that the Self Certification Resolution is an annual document which the MPO is required to adopt through the draft TIP amendment. This resolution certifies that the planning process is being carried out in conformance with all of the applicable federal requirements and certifies that the local process to enhance the participation of general public, including the transportation disadvantaged, has been followed in developing all plans and programs. There being no questions on the resolution, a motion was made by Mr. Seamans to approve the Self Certification Resolution. Mr. Hannigan seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe explained that the Air Quality Resolution is an annual resolution which the MPO is required to adopt through the draft TIP amendment. This resolution certifies that the air quality conforms to our Long Range Plan and the TIP projects in place. There being no questions on the resolution, a motion was made by Mr. Longiotti to approve the Air Quality Resolution. Ms. Brown seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe explained that as part of the TIP update, administrative procedures would need to be approved. He stated that these administrative procedures are any administrative actions, money that needs to be moved around and amendments of money that needs to be moved around on the current TIP. He noted that nothing has really changed in the past year, just a couple of things. Basically, any cost change under $1 Million to a project would be considered an administrative action at the MPO meeting; and if it would be an amendment, it would require another action at the MPO meeting, as well. There being no questions, a motion was made by Ms. Brown to approve the TIP administrative procedures. Mr. Lucas seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe distributed the 2007-2010 TIP and stated that the 30-day comment period ran from July 1-31, 2006 with the public hearing being held that evening. He noted that no comments were received from the public regarding the draft TIP. The draft TIP had been reviewed at the two previous MPO meetings. He explained that under the draft TIP you have the Highway/Bridge TIP and the Transit TIP. There being no questions on the draft TIP, a motion was made by Mr. Lucas to approve the 2007-2010 TIP. Ms. Brown seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. McCullough explained two changes made to the TIP over the past couple of months. 1). he stated that additional funding was needed to cover utility costs on the Pine Hollow Run project, which was transferred from the Highway/Bridge Line Item Reserve; and 2). money was transferred from the Railroad Line Item 2005 & 2006 to the Folk Road (T-610) Railroad Crossing. This project was added to the TIP for construction.

Mr. Jones explained some transit changes made to the 2006 TIP. He stated that they were successful in getting some earmarked money through the Senator’s office. One was for a bus replacement and the other was for garage addition. He noted that money was moved around because they are loosing some of their flexibility with operating assistance in how they do things and were able to capitalize some operating expenses through asset maintenance and ADA related expenses. The asset maintenance and ADA related expenses are two new line items under the transit TIP. Mr. McCullough stated that since we are adding two new line items, a motion is necessary. There being no questions regarding the transit amendment, a motion was made by Mr. Hannigan to approve the changes made to the transit TIP. Mr. Seamans seconded. The motion passed.


Mr. Coxe explained that the Congested Corridor Improvement Program project was completed over the past couple of months by the consultants Gannett Fleming. Mr. Gene Chabak of Gannett Fleming explained that PennDOT initiated the Congested Corridor Improvement Program in Grove City Borough/Pine Township on SR 58 to enhance the safety and to improve congestion along an identified corridor. This corridor is identified by stakeholders, which comprise of MCRPC, Pine Township, Grove City Borough and PennDOT Central Office. The goal of the program was to reduce peak hour travel time by approximately 20%; reduce the overall system delay; and to provide a usable document to aid stakeholders in providing customer satisfaction in the area. He noted that 3 stages were identified at the kickoff meeting, stages 1 & 2 are complete and stage 3 should be completed by mid-summer. A draft version of the study had been submitted for review and comment and the final version of the study to be completed by mid-summer. Mr. Chabak explained the CCIP Methodology and identified the possible improvements (immediate, short-term, & long-term). He noted that the immediate/short-term cost/benefit would run about $380,000 and the long-term cost/benefit would run about $1.7. Mr. Chabak stated that the next steps would be to address the comments for the draft report, finalize the report, develop coordination sheets for implementation of immediate timings and pursue funding for other options. In discussion, a question was raised concerning the S. Center/W. Main Street intersection. Mr. Chabak noted that they are looking at widening this intersection and upgrading pavement markings. Also, there was concern if the consultant looked at bicycle/pedestrian corridors. Mr. Chabak noted that they looked at pedestrian activity, but did not observe a lot of bike activity, except by the middle school.


Mr. Coxe explained that the Mercer County Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the County Commissioners in April 2006, which included the Long Range Transportation Plan. The MPO Committee adopted the Long Range Transportation Plan at their May meeting and the LRTP was forwarded to PennDOT, FTA, FHWA and is awaiting final approval of the LRTP. Mr. Coxe had extra CD-ROMs/letter available of the Mercer County Comprehensive Plans.


Mr. Coxe explained that the District office was in contact with him regarding inviting all the Transportation Enhancement Project sponsor organizations to this MPO meeting and give them an update on their Transportation Enhancement, Home Town Streets/Safe Routes to School projects. He stated that the District office wants to make sure that these projects continue to move and use the money on a yearly basis. Mr. Coxe distributed an Intermodal Projects Activity Report from the District office which shows the current Transportation Enhancement projects in Mercer County. (The Activity Report is attached to and made a part of the permanent record of Minutes.) Mr. Coxe and some project sponsors highlighted on these projects.

Mr. Don Hall from PennDOT explained that State-wide, the delivery of the enhancement projects has been a big issue. There are many Transportation Enhancement, Home Town Streets/Safe Routes to School projects that have been approved, some going back years and years, some still have issues with right-of-way and design and the projects are not moving. Mr. Hall noted that the sponsors have a responsibility of trying to keep these projects moving. PennDOT will help to facilitate where they can, help their engineer get the project ready, bid and built. He noted that conditions will eventually be placed on sponsors that if they do not use the money within a certain time period, they run the risk of loosing the money. He noted that the project will be dropped and they would have to reapply as a new project. Mr. Gracenin stated that this is where the engineering cost estimates are going to be absolutely critical. He noted that a lot of times, these projects only require the engineering, the locals that are sponsors of the project do not have the funds to make up the difference and that causes the project to sit. Ms. Rodi from Eastgate explained that they had very similar issues. She stated that they did their funding round every other year and moved some projects out. She noted that the sponsors need to keep in contact with their engineers and keep their project moving forward. Ms. Brown made a motion that project sponsors submit a brief quarterly status reports to the MPO explaining where their Transportation Enhancement Project is and what has happened since the last update. Mr. Lucas seconded. The motion passed.


Ms. Hirschmann explained that the Hermitage Town Center Study was funded through the MPO. The purpose of the study is to give the City of Hermitage and PennDOT a specific vision for the area around the intersection of PA 18/East State Street and the surround area, not only for the appearance of the area, but guidance in terms of transportation/street systems, redevelopment of sites, etc. She noted that a draft document was completed this summer. Strada, the consulting firm, is currently working with the Steering Committee in completing the revisions, such as land use, future development, and is estimated to be completed this fall.


Mr. Coxe explained that as part of the Mercer County MPO 2006-2007 UPWP, special study money was secured to perform a Sharon Truck Route Special Study in downtown Sharon. This is a $50,000 contract ($40,000 to consultant, $10,000 MCRPC in-kind services). A Letter of Interest was sent out and 12 consultants responded. PennDOT District 1, the City of Sharon and MCRPC will review the consultant Letter of Interest, short listing to interview 10 firms and hopefully by the end of this month hire a consultant to look at a Sharon Truck Route Plan. MCRPC will conduct traffic counts at various locations in downtown Sharon.


---STU Funding – City of Hermitage – On behalf of the City of Hermitage, Ms. Hirschmann explained that at the April MPO meeting the MPO Committee discussed briefly some intersection improvement projects that the City is requesting funding to pursue. She noted that these were identified on the Long Range Plan. Since April, the City has retained Trans Associates to conduct the traffic study and prepare preliminary design and cost estimates for 2 intersection improvement projects, such as upgrade signalization for optimum traffic efficiency and provide pedestrian facilities. The first improvement project would be for East State Street/Maple Drive/Dutch Lane Intersection and the second improvement project would be for East State Street/Kerrwood Drive/Ellis Avenue Intersection. The City of Hermitage would like to make a request to the MPO for consideration for the STU Funding, which is currently unallocated on the TIP. The City of Hermitage has matching funds available. PennDOT questioned if the City was looking for funds for construction, design, utilities, right-of-way, etc. If so, they would need the costs broken down further. Mr. Gracenin and PennDOT discussed the STU funds available and time issue. After discussion, Mr. Paxton made a motion to support, contingent on discussions/issues with PennDOT, using the STU funds for the Hermitage projects. Mr. Brandes seconded. The motion passed.

---Other Business – Mr. Coxe explained that we received an email from the Southwestern PA Commission regarding the CommuteInfo Program which states that Mercer County residents are eligible to have some type of ride share to any of the 10 counties in the SPC region. If anyone would like additional information you may contact Mr. Coxe or the Southwestern PA Commission’s website. Mr. Coxe next explained that there is new money in the Safety Lu legislation. Discussions will be held with the District office and the MPO Committee to discuss the safety line item on the TIP. From 2007-2010 there is almost $1 Million a year allocated for safety projects. Mr. Coxe stated that he has been in contact with Brian Smith from PennDOT. Mr. Smith is the individual that will conduct the evaluation and see if a certain project would qualify.

Mr. Seamans explained that at our last MPO meeting a motion was made to reconvene the Bylaws Committee to rewrite the Bylaws. Mr. Gracenin stated that no meetings were held regarding this since our last MPO meeting. Mr. Gracenin next asked the former members of the Bylaws Committee, or anybody else, if they would like to participate on this Committee. Mr. Gracenin noted that he would send a quick e-mail to the former members of the Bylaws Committee and those who would like to participate on this Committee asking if they would still like to participate and set up a meeting date and time within the next 2-3 weeks.

Mr. Wilson from Sharpsville Borough explained that the Lamor Road/Pine Hollow Bridge recently was opened and they are planning a ceremony (bridge dedication) on Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.


There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Longiotti and seconded by Mr. Seamans to adjourn the meeting at 12:26 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel M. Gracenin,

MPO Secretary


Mercer County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148
[email protected]


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