Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, Hermitage, Pennsylvania


Zoning & Subdivision Review Committee



Membership on the Zoning and Subdivision Review Committee shall be by appointment of the Chairman of the Mercer County Regional Planning Commission. At no time shall membership exceed thirteen (13) members. Committee members must attend a majority of the meetings held throughout the year in order to maintain membership.



Any official action shall require that a majority of the total committee members be present to vote. This majority or "quorum" shall consist of 7 of the 13 members. However, in the event that there is not a quorum, this does not preclude the members present from discussing and debating the matter at hand.



There shall be a regularly-scheduled meeting time, date and place designated every January for the forthcoming year. When deemed necessary, the Chairman may call special meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public.



The Officers of the Zoning and Subdivision Review Committee shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. These Officers shall be elected by the Chairman at the February meeting and officially take office at the February meeting.


    The duties of these officers shall be as follows:


  • Preside at all meetings.

  • Have an agenda for the meeting before him and proceed in a businesslike manner.

  • Call the meeting to order and declare whether a quorum is present or not.

  • Attempt to develop a working knowledge of Parliamentary Law and a thorough understanding of the Committee procedures.

  • When a motion is on the floor, the Chairman shall have the prerogative to vote on the motion, the same as any other Committee member.


  • Preside in the absence of the Chairman and assume all duties of that office.

  • Should the Chairman resign from the Committee, the Vice-Chairman shall assume the office of Chairman until a Chairman is elected.


  • It shall take a majority of the Committee members present to pass a motion. 

  • Abstentions in voting shall be deemed to be neither voting in favor of the motion nor against the motion. 

  • Any member who has a conflict of interest shall not vote on the motion. 

  • The member shall declare his conflict of interest on the particular subject.



All facts pertaining to specific zoning and/or subdivision matters

to be reviewed by and acted upon by the Committee will be initially

presented to the Committee by a member(s) of the Commission Staff.

The facts will be presented orally, but when necessary, because of unusual

complexity or inordinately great detail, a written summary of the case

facts shall be distributed among the Committee members.

The Committee, during its discussions, may involve the Staff by any

Committee member asking any questions necessary for arriving at an

objective disposition of the case under review.



Mercer County Regional Planning Commission
2491 Highland Road, Hermitage, PA 16148


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